
August 26, 2024

Classes Begin

August 26, 2024

Academic Orientation Day 2024

December 31, 2024

Courses Registration for Spring 2025

January 6, 2025

Classes Begin

May 19, 2025

Courses Registration for Summer 2025

June 3, 2025

Classes Begin

Student Association

The AUV Association of Students (AOS) is a group of students who meet regularly to plan on-and-off campus events, charity trips, social gatherings, team-building exercises, overnight adventures, and work-study to enhance student experience at AUV. AOS also advocates on behalf of students to make sure faculty and administration are responsive to the needs and concerns of the student body. AOS elects a president and vice-president every academic year and selects a faculty advisor to serve as a liaison between the organization and AUV administration. AOV elections will be held soon. Please refer to Announcements for more information on the time and date.

Campus Life


Monday - Friday

8:00AM - 4:30PM


8:00AM - 11:30AM

Student Rules of Conduct



The purpose of this document is to give students general notice of what constitutes a violation of academic honesty regarding plagiarism, cheating, and/or unauthorized collusion. Students are responsible for complying with this policy.

The University reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action when a student engages in an act of academic dishonesty. The authority for student discipline is vested in the office of the Chancellor. The Chancellor may delegate her authority to a designated University official for sanctions concerning student academic dishonesty. Outlined below are the University rules for disciplinary proceedings.


In this document, the word “University” refers to The American University in Vietnam (AUV) and all of its curricula, programs and classes. The word “Student” refers to any person accepted to attend a course or academic program regardless of number of credits earned at the University. “Instructor” refers to any member of the AUV faculty and staff who is hired to conduct an academic function of the University, such as teaching, grading and evaluating student performance in a course or an academic program. The word “Rules” refers to decisions of the University faculty with respect to violation of academic honesty, as outline in this document. “Chancellor” refers to the persons officially serving those positions at the time of the proceedings.


AUV students are expected to conduct themselves with integrity. Members of the faculty at the University assume that when a student submits an individual assignment or test for grading, the work is the student’s own work and not the work of another person. Submitting someone else’s work or aiding another student in this practice is a violation of integrity.

If an instructor or a member of the University discovers an act of academic dishonesty, the instructor has the authority to impose sanctions on the students who commit or contribute to an act of academic dishonesty. If a student notices that another student has committed an act of academic dishonesty, the observing student should inform the course instructor of the alleged violation.


Violations of academic honesty include but are not limited to the following:

  • Plagiarism is incorporating portions of another person’s work without acknowledged the source.

  • Collusion is an unauthorized collaboration with any other person while completing a test or any other assignment that will be graded or submitted for credit.

Examples include the following:

  • Copying test answers of another student, glancing at nearby test papers, swapping papers, using answers given by another person, or using materials not authorized by the instructor.

  • Using any unauthorized item during a test, such as notes, calculators, cell phones, tablets, or other electronic or mechanical communication devices.

  • Reproducing test questions or answers by taking a photo via a cellphone or other electronic device for sharing with others or using for a purpose not authorized by the instructor.

  • Bribing any person to obtain information about a test, substituting for another student, or permitting any other person to substitute for oneself to take a test or complete an assignment that will be graded.

  • Submitting the same work to the instructor of another course without getting approval from both instructors.

  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to documents or electronic files of an instructor, staff member, or other student.


The instructor of a course is authorized to impose sanctions on students for acts of academic dishonesty. Examples of sanctions include the following.

(a) Warning

Those who violate rules of academic integrity may receive an oral or written notice from the instructor indicating that the student has failed to meet the University’s standards of academic honesty. The warning may call for additional information or discussion and may specify further consequences if the conduct is repeated.

(b) Grade of Zero on Assignment

In cases of cheating on a test or assignment, the instructor may assign a grade of “0” to the work on which the cheating occurred.

(c) Reduction of Course Grade

The instructor may reduce the student’s course grade. Students earning a grade of D or F must repeat the course in another academic term when the course is offered again.

(d) Forced Withdrawal from the Course

The instructor may ask that the student be withdrawn from enrollment in the course. A grade of W will appear on the transcript. The student is not entitled to any refunds of tuition, fees, or other charges.

(e) Record in the Student’s University File

The instructor may report the incident of academic dishonesty to the Academic Affairs Office and request further information about the student’s record in other courses. Instructors in other courses may also be consulted and shared information used to make a decision as to the inclusion of the incident on the student’s permanent academic record.

(f) Additional Sanctions

For violations of an especially serious nature or habitual cases of misconduct, the Academic Affairs Office may refer the case to the Chancellor for the imposition of additional sanctions.


Inquiry Discussion: The instructor will discuss the matter with the student. The instructor may ask for more information and/or clarification of incident to review of the facts and the circumstances of the alleged violation. The instructor may specify the consequence of a repeat incident.

Written Warning: The instructor will inform the student in writing (by email or by printed text on paper) about the alleged violation. The written warning will refer to the relevant University policy, the basis for the finding of academic dishonesty, and recommendation(s) for specific sanction(s) by the University in the case of a repeat incident. The instructor normally offers the option of a meeting with the student and an administrator in the Academic Affairs Office to discuss the case.

Report to Academic Affairs Officer: The instructor may officially report the incident(s) to the Academic Affairs Office for further investigation or direct action. The student and instructor will meet with the Academic Affairs Officer to review the case and determine the appropriate sanction(s) in addition to grade reduction to be imposed by the instructor and Academic Affairs Officer. The student may submit an appeal in writing to the Academic Affairs Officer, who will report the case to the Chancellor.

Report to Chancellor: The Academic Affairs Office may officially report the incident(s) to the Chancellor’s Office for sanctions in addition to grade reduction.

The Chancellor may choose to further investigate the case through interviewing and/or questioning the parties involved. The Chancellor may uphold, reverse, or modify the decisions made by the Academic Affairs Office or impose additional sanctions for violations of an especially serious nature. The disciplinary decision of the Chancellor is the final University resolution of the case and is not subject to further appeal.

Alumni & Student

Technology Lab

Distance Learning And Technology Lab

Distance Learning And Technology Lab

While every classroom at AUV is equipped with up-to-date technology that allows for the most innovative teaching practices in Vietnam, the Technology Lab in Room 310 is special. This large room contains 25 tech stations for students, each comprised of a high-performance Dell desktop computer with a lightning quick ethernet connection and direct access to AUV printers. Student computers are connected to a smart instructor workstation for university faculty who wish to utilize the space for technology intensive classes. Using only their student ID information, AUV students can use the resources offered by the lab at no additional cost all day long, Monday through Saturday.


Unlock the Secrets to Boosting Your U.S. University Application & Earning Scholarships up to 70% at The American University in Vietnam AUV!

Unlock the Secrets to Boosting Your U.S. University Application & Earning Scholarships up to 70% at The American University in Vietnam AUV!




We are currently hard at work to provide new opportunities for students and plan extracurricular events such as educational field trips and service-learning adventures. News regarding these topics can be found in Announcements.