
The American University in Vietnam offers its courses over an academic year comprising two 16-week semesters and two optional 6-week summer sessions.

Most courses carry 3-credit units and include forty-five (45) contact hours of classroom instruction. One unit of credit earned at AUV is equivalent to one credit earned in a semester system in the United States.

Typical course load of a full-time student at AUV is 12-15 credits per semester and three credits per summer session.

Key dates for the academic year 2024-2025 are given in the schedule below.


August 26 - December 13

Aug 26

Fall classes begin

Aug 26

Connovation and Orientation Day

Sep 1

Vietnamese National Holiday

Sep 17

Mid - Autumn Festival

Oct 31


Nov 20

Vietnamese Teacher's Day

Nov 28


Dec 13

Last Class Meeting

Dec 9-13


Dec 16 - Jan 03

Winter Break

Dec 18


Dec 31

Course Registration for Spring


January 06 - May 9

Jan 29

Lunar New Year Day

Mar 8

International Women's Day

Apr 7

Hung Kings’ Anniversary

Apr 30

Vietnam Reunification Day

May 1

International Labor Day

May 5-9


May 9

Last class meeting

May 14

Grades are due

May 10-Jun 1

Summer vacation


June 05 - July 28

May 22

Courses Registration for Summer 2023

Jun 3

Classes Begin

Jul 4

U.S. Independence Day

Jul 26

Last class meeting

Jul 29

Final Grades Due

Curricular Structure

Curricular Structure

Our programs are centered on the philosophy of liberal education, providing our students career paths grounded in a rigorous General Studies curriculum. Our sequence of General Studies courses will develop the analytical, logical, mathematical, and communication skills of students while cultivating 21st Century social, cultural and global perspectives....

Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate the ability to speak, read...
Demonstrate the ability to speak, read, and write English intelligently and clearly.
Apply knowledge from various fields...
Apply knowledge from various fields to produce structured arguments in support of their ideas.
Think critically and communicate their work...
Think critically and communicate their work effectively in social and professional settings.
Cultivate a sense of community connectedness...
Cultivate a sense of community connectedness in order to participate responsibly in civil society and ad hoc communities.
Connect with individuals and communities...
Connect with individuals and communities and maintain a commitment to responsible citizenship leading to positive community contributions.
Command a sense of global understanding that includes...
Command a sense of global understanding that includes: an understanding of the interaction between culture and issues, an awareness of the kinship of the diverse human community, and a recognition of the interconnectedness of our shared natural environment.
Build a foundation for career development...
Build a foundation for career development that provides them with the essential knowledge, skills, and values needed to succeed in the workplace as competent professionals.
Locate and evaluate information,...
Locate and evaluate information, understand the scientific method, use interdisciplinary knowledge, and apply appropriate technology to navigate future waves of change.
Reinforce and expand a system of personal values...
Reinforce and expand a system of personal values and ethics that builds a reflective framework for using knowledge and skills in ways that contribute positively to the larger society.
Develop a genuine interest in learning that remains for life.
Develop a genuine interest in learning that remains for life.

University Preporatory Program

University Preporatory Program

These courses comprise of a coherent cluster for various levels of student English competency. Based on an initial comprehensive assessment, a student’s English competency level is matched with one of several levels of proficiency.

A cluster of modules numbered 070 to 089, teach fundamental tools of English needed to communicate thoughts in daily conversations and to read and write reports, letters, memos, and general essays. Modules will provide guidelines and ample opportunities to students to practice and gain all four essential skills of the English language: reading, viz., writing, listening, and speaking.

A cluster of advanced English modules, workshops and labs numbered 090 to 099 develop the student’s English skills to a level needed for completing introductory coursework at a typical American university. A student in this cluster should be prepared to engage in conversations in academic settings and possess the ability to understand textbook material, write topical papers and make presentations. Modules and workshops develop the student’s reading, writing, listening, and speaking in variety of academic contexts with emphasis on writing research papers and preparation for TOEFL.

The last course is one-credit University Success course (UNIV 100) covering academic culture, study skills, time management, research resources, academic integrity, and other essential tools for university success.

General Studies Program

General Studies will develop students' analytical abilities, rational thoughts, computational and communication skills, and social, cultural and global perspectives.

Our General Studies program is built on three pillars:

• Developing students’ Core Skills, especially written and oral communication in English, information & computational, critical thinking and reasoning, and group and social collaboration.

• Providing students with pathways to diverse knowledge, including broad-based knowledge of science and technology, social sciences, and arts and humanities.

• Providing opportunities for students to integrate their learning in multicultural, interdisciplinary, and community contexts.


Major Study Programs refer to the area of concentration, specialization or emphasis. Courses in the Major Study incorporate active learning strategies, emphasizing conceptual learning with applied hands-on experience, practical applications, group exercises, and term-long projects....























AUV understands that the functions of a university do not end at the door to classrooms. Our Centers collectively serve as centers of collegiate life for students, faculty, staff, alumni and guests. Providing services, activities, programs and facilities that complement the academic mission of the University, these Centers foster and encourage an environment that honors a rich tradition of liberal education, builds community, supports student growth, and facilitates civic engagement.


The Center for Career Development provides students opportunities to complete internships, externships, and volunteer experiences in their chosen fields of study. These include both paid and unpaid positions and give students the chance to get a head start on their professional careers. Through agreements with many local, national, and international businesses AUV is able to offer a wide variety of experiences based on the career goals of individual AUV students. If a student’s needs fall outside the spectrum of experiences offered through our existing partnerships, we will use all our tools to create the career development experience that student is looking for.  


Every year, through our partnership with the University of Missouri at Kansas City (UMKC), we provide opportunities for dozens of top students at APU International School to earn transferable university credits in courses taught by our core faculty in fields like history, English composition, creative writing, psychology, and mathematics. This is a popular program that allows students to earn unlimited university credits from a highly respected American university before they finish high school, thus accelerating their path to college graduation. 


The financial environment has become increasingly complex, with more financial tools to choose from and more companies offering more financial products and advice. There is greater global interoperability among businesses, and this means there is more opportunity for growth and profitability as well as failure and loss.

Financial crises have proven that even the purported “experts” can get things wrong. We have seen the problems in only one economic sector of one country result in a worldwide contagion unable to be contained within one border. From employee pensions in the UK, to Sovereign Wealth Funds in Asia, to hedge funds in Brazil, and to global financial speculators no one group managed to escape the impacts of a worldwide economic slowdown.

The AUV Center for Financial Responsibility brings together the experience, the knowledge, and the resources to assist our participants and partners in navigating the complexity of financial dealings. Our program is designed to alleviate much of the confusion and uncertainty in financial decision making. Our mission is to establish best practices in financial management through a continual process of raising awareness, facilitating the sharing of experiences, educating, and focused learning as the financial landscape changes and the pace of financial innovation continues to accelerate.

Whether taking out a loan, investing in a small business, or buying shares in publicly listed companies overseas, our aim is to help you ask the right financial questions and make the right financial decisions. We help you understand the fine print and Terms & Conditions of contracts.  More importantly, we help you avoid common mistakes, and we motivate you to seek financial opportunities and avoid missing out on wise investments.

The first step in taking financially responsibility for your future is becoming financially knowledgeable. The AUV Center for Financial Responsibility helps you get there.


We provide a multitude of opportunities for our faculty and staff to attend seminars, classes, and conferences to help expand their skillsets and advance their career goals. We also sponsor campus visits by experts in academic and nonacademic fields. We encourage faculty and students to interact with these experts through seminars, small group workshops, question and answer sessions, and classroom visits.   


AUV’s Center for Student Success supports the academic and social needs of students throughout their university experience. Academic advisors, peers, and university faculty work hand-in-hand to ensure the well-being of every student at AUV. This is a vital component of our holistic approach to education. Student activities, field trips, and accommodation for needs of our students outside of the classroom all fall under the purview of the Center for Student Success.   


Through agreements with our partner universities in the US, we are able to provide opportunities for AUV students to study abroad, and we are able to provide opportunities for students at partner universities to study at AUV. These cultural exchanges allow all students to expand their knowledge of the world’s cultures, societies, and business practices. Depending on the preferences and time constraints of individual students, study abroad experiences can be short (1-2 weeks) or of longer duration (1-2 semesters).  


The Writing Studio is an integral part of student life at the American University in Vietnam. Located in Room 201, the Writing Center accepts both scheduled and walk-in appointments from students wanting help with any writing or research related issue. Writing centers are common at every major American university, and as AUV is an American university we think it is important for students at AUV to have access to the same resources you would have if you were in the USA. The Writing Center offers three types of services: writing services, research services, and a Writing Center website. 




Course Descriptions

Our courses focus on creating bridges between theory and practice so students gain insight into the application of knowledge to discover dynamics of the “real world,” how organizations function, how executives think and manage, how industries interact with society, and how institutions and government respond to public expectations. Coursework, exercises. and activities may engage students to do applied research, field work, observe the back-end operation of businesses, conduct face-to-face conversations with change agents, reflect on corporate site visits, research and report on processes and operations, function in professional settings, or gain first-hand experience from cooperative education or internships.